货号:040026 型号:SB30089U
价格(元):0 产地:美国


Advanced Casualty Simulation Kit - Item Details:

A comprehensive selection of casualty simulations including such realistic bleeding strap-on and stick-on wounds and injuries as compound extremity fractures, various burns, puncture wounds, eviscerations, lacerations, fractures, flesh wounds, fragment wounds, and foreign body protrusions. Simulation make-up, accessories, and makeup tools are provided for staging "victims" to appear to be in shock or pain, traumatized, lacerated, burned, bleeding, and/or dirty. Bleeding wounds have plastic reservoir pump assemblies to ensure a continuous lifelike flow of simulated blood. All components come in a carrying case with drawers and compartments (22" x 13" x 15").
Bleeding Strap on wounds complete with Reservoir Bags with pump assembly
• 2 Fake dirt
• 1 Glycerine for perspiration
• 1 Cold cream
• 1 Mineral oil
• 1 Charcoal
• 3 Latex compound to simulate scars
• 2 Petroleum jelly
• 2 Pressure sensitive tape
• 1 Plastalene Modeling Paste, white
• 1 Plastalene Modeling Paste, dark
• 2 Makeup liners each in red, blue, brown, white, yellow, black, & flesh
• 2 Compound fractures of femur, lower leg
• 5 Doz. assorted stick-on injury simulations (1 doz. per pkg.)
• 1 Makeup palette
• 1 Scissors
• 1 Mirror
• 1 Measuring cup
• 2 Atomizer mist sprayers
• 2 Casualty simulation wax
• 2 Body adhesive for stick-on wounds
• 2 Bottles coagulant makeup blood
• 3 Pkgs. of powder to make 3 gallons of simulated blood
• 1 Methyl cellulose for blood thickening
• 2 Pkgs. broken Plexiglas® for simulating glass imbedded wound
• 2 Fake dirt
• 1 Glycerine for perspiration
• 1 Cold cream
• 1 Mineral oil
• 1 Charcoal
• 3 Latex compound to simulate scars
• 2 Petroleum jelly
• 2 Pressure sensitive tape
• 1 Plastalene Modeling Paste, white
• 1 Plastalene Modeling Paste, dark
• 2 Makeup liners each in red, blue, brown, white, yellow, black, & flesh

An assortment of cotton balls, cotton applicators/swab sticks, tongue depressors, tissues, makeup sponges, and spatulas are also included in kit. Size: 22" x 13" x 15". Sh. wt. 24 lbs.




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